Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Three Lifts to Increase your Power

1. Squats: Squats are probably the most important lift for any athlete or weight lifter. They burn a ton of calories and aid in almost ever aspect of your total body strength. Squats help build speed and an athletes explosiveness. Remember legs are about half your body, so do not neglect them.

2. Dead Lifts: Dead lifts could be the missing link for your weight lifting program. Dead lifts are essential to any power lifter or athlete. Your back is used in nearly every activity you do, it is important to strengthen it! Remember to use correct form when doing dead lift by keeping your back straight and using your legs to lift the weight.

3. Power Cleans: Power cleans will make you a more explosive athlete. They aid in quickness and speed. They will aid in your strength, conditioning, and any activity that requires quick action such as jumping, tackling, or power punches.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ten Foods that Help with Weight Loss

1. Vegetables: Vegetables are filling, low calorie, and packed with essential nutrients that aid in brain and muscle development. Veggies should be your largest portion and the first thing you put on your plate. A good helping of veggies every meal will make you feel better, cut out bad calories and put you on the right direction for weight loss.

2. Fruits: Fruits taste great and most don't even have to be cooked. They are great for a snack and can be mixed into any meal. Try fruit salads or shakes. Avoid fruit drinks with a large amount of sugar. Stick with fresh fruits like apples, bananas, kiwi, oranges, and strawberries. Do not eat canned fruit, they are smothered in syrup.

3. Fish: Fish is a low calorie high protein power house. It is great for anyone looking to build muscle and stay on a good diet. We all know protein is essential to building muscle. Avoid anything fried, stick with grilled.

4. Poultry: Think birds. Most birds are a good meat option. They are generally lean meats with low fat contents and contain high amounts of protein. Avoid fried chicken of course and stick with anything grilled.

5. Legumes: Beans. They are a forgot source of protein most people never consider. If you are looking for a good side dish to add some hearty protein to your meal try adding some beans. Better if they are not out of the can, remember canned foods contain a lot of sodium and sometimes fat. Cook your own.

6. Dairy: Dairy can be a great and healthy part of your diet. Yogurts, low fat milk, and cottage cheese are great for you in the right amounts. Avoid whole milk, high sugar yogurts, and too much cheese in your diet. Good for your bones and digestion, drink more milk.

7. Nuts: Nuts are another great source of forgotten about protein and good fats. They are good to eat with yogurts and add a bit of protein with your meals. Proper amounts of fats also help you process foods and build muscles.

8. Carbohydrates: Carbs are great for quick energy and essential to any athlete. Try eating them about 24hrs before competition for greatest results. Mix wheat and white breads and pastas. Too much of either can be a bad thing, even though most people suggest eating all wheat. Whole grain breads and pasta are best, do your best to avoid processed breads and pasta.

9. Water: Water! Water! Water! Did I mention water? Water is essential to your overall health and its benefits are almost infinite. Water helps control appetite, many people confuse thirst with hunger. Water helps keep your system "cleaned out" and helps you stay hydrated. Proper hydration is great for your skin and muscle recovery. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, more if you exercise regularly, which you should.

10. Fats: Like I said earlier about nuts, essential fats are necessary for building muscles and processing nutrition correctly. Do not consume too many and avoid saturated fats and especially trans fats. Your body has trouble processing them and they like to hang around your waste.

Triceps Make the Arms

You see guys in the gym doing sets after set of curls and bicep exercises, all in hopes their arms will will become larger and more toned. However, they neglect the fact that the human arm is about 60% tricep. So if you want bigger and more toned arms work your triceps.

Try exercises such as tricep extensions, dips, skull crushers, and close grip bench. It is very important to use proper form and fully extend your triceps on each rep because it is easy to use your shoulder muscles or chest instead. The more you concentrate on your lift the better result you will see.

Good luck.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is probably the most popular protein supplement on the market today, and for good reason. It has several great benefits to anyone interested in increasing their gains in the gym.

What whey protein is:
Whey protein is a great post workout supplement that aids in muscle recovery and rebuilding. Protein is essential to muscle development especially post workout because that is when your muscles are broken down the most. Perhaps you have heard proteins are the building blocks of muscles - well they certainly are a key factor. So if you are serious about gains in the weight room try a whey protein as a post workout shake.

What whey protein is NOT:
Whey protein is not a meal replacement supplement. Whey protein supplement - supplements protein, not the other essential nutrients which also aid in proper physical and mental function. If you are looking for a meal replacement shake, whey protein is not it - you can try shakes similar to slim fast or any other popular shake you can pick up at your local grocery store.

So, I DO recommend whey protein as a great post workout suppliment, but I DO NOT suggest anyone use it as a meal replacement. It just does not do the trick and will not be effective. Good luck!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Effective Weight Loss

Effective weight loss involved several variables. It is not just a simple recipe or pill you can take which will make you suddenly thinner (I wish). Weight loss takes time, proper exercise, and diet.

Start with diet. Weight loss is a simple formula, you have to burn more calories and fat than you take in. So by limiting the amount of calories and fat you take into your body the easier weight loss will become. I suggest that anyone trying to lose weight avoids fatty foods, wasted calories, and high sugar foods. These are foods and drinks like alcohol, sodas, candy, red meat, canned foods, almost anything you can cook in the microwave, fried foods and chips, most cheese, and more. Some good foods include fish and poultry, water, green tea, fresh fruits and veggies, rice, oatmeal, yogurts, nuts, and beans.

Next think about exercise. Losing weight is all about burning calories, so to maximize your ability to burn calories it is important to have an effect weight training and cardio plan. I recommend weight training 3 times a week and cardio 4 times week. Try to focus on muscle group each time you lift. Chest and back one day, legs another, then biceps and triceps. For cardio try riding a bike, running, or swimming four times a week.

Now it only takes time. If you follow these rules you should see at least 2lbs a week fall off of your body in pure fat loss. Remember you may gain some muscle too making you maintain your actual weight so it is important to measure yourself too. Quality physique is more important than just weight loss. Following a strict routine you should see major visible results within 12 weeks or less.

Good luck!
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